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Board at The Rosendale – New Games Night 23 January




Do you like a bit of old skool? Are you a big fan of trad gaming? If so, we want you on board for ‘Board at The Rosendale’, the brand new Games Night which launches at 7pm on 23rd January 2017.


We will be celebrating and playing (to win) a variety of games, whether they be board, co-operative play, solo sports or team endeavors. Turn up alone or in a pack, develop new skills and friendships but most importantly get away from those screens which can override our lives (as much as we heart them).


We will start with the likes of Banangrams (perfect if you love Scrabble), Linkee (ideal if you’re a Trivial Pursuit fan), Pandemic (If you fancy saving the world) and Rivals for Catan (a card game for wannabe Princes of all ages). We will also happily take on board (see what we did there) suggestions for any new titles. We are game for anything!


Board at The Rosendale will start at 7pm every Monday. Don’t worry if you turn up later, games will be running throughout the evening. The finest food and drink will be served as ever, there will even be a game pie special (geddit) on launch night. Bring forth the fun.


*Opening offer: it will be free to play if you sign up before the end of February*. There will be a one-off £5 fee from March onwards.


Board at the Rosendale – Mondays made.

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